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CORRIGE d'Anglais
France Métropolitaine - Section S - Juin 200

Sujet Corrigé


1.    a) Which of the following titles best suits the whole passage?

a) Moving in

b) Moving out

c) Making new friends

d) Going to the market


a) Moving in

                 b) Justify your choice by a quotation. Give the number of the line.

"We have new neighbours in the house next door."    (l.40)

2.    What country and city is the passage set in?

The passage is set in England, in London

3.    Which characters do the underlined words designate?

l.11 “From amid the boxes and bundles emerged a girl of about her own age ”

a girl = the new neighbours' daughter    

her = Poppy's daughter

l.17 “they were not going to reappear right away”

they = the new neighbours

l 23 “Yes, there he was”

he = Poppy        

l 38 “I wish you wouldn't call me that, Poppy

Poppy = Poppy, the main character’s father

4.    a) The reader is made to view these scenes through the eyes of one of the characters.    Which one? Justify your answer by quoting from the text.

Poppy’s daughter.

(l.16) "…the street seemed suddenly lifeless without them."

(l.12-13) "It seemed to her..." 


b) What part of the world does that character come from? Is it …

The West Indies, Poland, Italy, or Turkey?


Justify your answer by quoting the text. Give the number of the line.

(‘l.34-35)  "the things that reminded him of the old country : the smell of borscht and pierogi, thedark paneling hung with Polish folk art"     

(l.25) :”..reading Polish newspaper…”


5.    Where do you think the main character is at the beginning of the passage?

At the beginning of the passage the main character could be on her doorstep or inside her house


6.    a) What is this character’s state of mind?

She is both curious and frustrated


b) Pick out elements from the text to justify your answer. Give the numbers of the lines.

(L.17-18) “ She hugged herself in frustration

( l.18) “she would tell someone, then, but who?”

(l.21) “leaping from the steps, she ran.”


7.    What does this character decide to do next? What for?

Then, she decides to go to the café where her father is a regular patron, in order to talk to him.


8.    How does the man react to this sudden arrival? What does it reveal about his personality? Answer in your own words, then justify by a quotation. Give the number of the line.


The man doesn’t expect to see her there, so he wonders why she is coming and he asks her if there is something wrong . It reveals that he is a worried and concerned man



l.27/28 “What are you doing here, little one? Is something wrong?”

l.29 “He always thought something was wrong.”

l.29/30 “she supposed he worried so because of his time in the war.”



9.    Right or wrong? Justify each time by a quotation. Give the number of the line.



Poppy has forgotten all about his roots. Wrong



He was a child when he arrived in Britain. Wrong



He wanted to forget the war and its hardships. Right



His life in Britain is a success. Right


a) Wrong - l.34-35 “…still he clung to things that reminded him of the old country”

b)Wrong - l.30-31 “In 1946, newly demobbed, her father had arrived in England with her mother…”

c) Right - l.31”…determined to put the war behind him and make a life for himself as a jeweler and silversmith.”

d) Right - ll.33-34 “…he had done well. Better than some of the other men in the café…”


10.  l. 42. “They’re West Indian," she whispered, aware of the turning of heads.

                        Explain why ‘she’ suddenly spoke in a lower voice. (20 words)

She doesn’t want to be heard. She knows that the people around her don’t like West Indians so she is embarrassed


11.  l.45. "Trouble, it will mean trouble." Analyse the man’s reaction to the news. (20 words)

He could be prejudiced against West Indians or aware that the newcomers might meet strong hostility from the neighbours


l. 46. "But they look very nice—" Using elements taken from the passage from line 1 to line 16, analyse the girl’s vision of the newcomers.


She feels them as "exotic", bringing in "colors and fragrances she had only imagined", a new liveliness in her street. This is the reason why when they are inside, it seems "suddenly lifeless".


12.  What may the last four lines suggest as to her feelings and intentions? (30 words)


Despite the promise she's just made to her father, she doesn't intend to stay away from the new neighbors and she may try to make friends with them as soon as possible



Choose subject 1 or subject 2. 

1.    He clung to the things that reminded him of the old country”. Comment on this attitude (300 words)

2.    a) What do you think of today’s growing need to communicate? (150 words)

b) l.8 “she looked up at the house with an expression of dismay. He smiled and touched her arm …”

The mother is obviously disappointed with her new environment. Imagine the conversation she has with her husband. (150 words)