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Vous venez de détecter une erreur ? (Sur un corrigé, un lien), contactez-nous ! Nous remédirons au problème dès que possible.**** Vous avez une remarque à formuler ? N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de votre suggestion ! **** Vous êtes professeurs et vous souhaitez participer au projet Passetonbac ? Rentrez en contact avec nous. **** Vous êtes en fillière technologique ? ne vous inquiétez pas, tout l'équipe de Passetonbac vous proposera des la rentrée 2007 des sujets et corrigés dans les matières scientifiques ****

CORRIGE d'Anglais
France Métropolitaine - Section S - Juin 200

Sujet Corrigé



1. Give the names of the main characters.

There are only two characters in this text : the narrator and his friend Chris

2. The area where the adventure starts has been abandoned for about 100 years. Tick the right answer and justify it by quoting from the text.

" A century before the upper valley had been well populated"
"derelict huts"

3. When do the main characters find themselves in the following places ?
Fill in the grid.




"One afternoon [...] was planning"

      the valley      

"one afternoon"

"...it would be safer [...] on the veranda"

      the veranda      

"that evening"

"In the days [...] and began to ..."

      a shed      

"in the days that followed"

4. Who or what do the underlined pronouns refer to ?
"Chris and I went to the valley" : the narrator
"the boat he was planning" : Chris
"we came upon" : the narrator and Chris
"sail in her to the west"
: the boat
"we uncovered more of it" : the skeleton

5.What do the main characters find ? Tick the right answer.
the skeleton of a swan
a human skeleton
the skeleton of a great bird
a Melanesian boat

6. a. The two characters do not agree on what to do with their discovery. Justify this statement by two quotations. (Focus on the sentences from "We scraped [...] " to " [...] for a thousand years.").

The two characters do not agree on what to do with their discovery ;  According to the narrator, it’s better to not move the skeleton ("We shouldn't move it") whereas his friend Chris thinks that its not necessary to be so careful, as no one is around (that is to say, neither police officers nor archaeologists) "Who is there to show it to?"

b. What decision is finally made ? Answer in your own words. (20 words).

They finally decide to take the bones and carry them to their house, to fit them together, away from any danger.

7. Are the two characters scientists ? Justify your answer by quoting from the text.

" The way we imagined scientists did"

8. "We worked on the moa late into the evenings".
What does this sentence imply about their task?
Explain in your own words. (20 words).

Their task was far to be easy and it demanded a lot of time, patience and carefulness. They had to be very meticulous to succeed.

9. Analyse the feelings of the two characters at the end of the extract.
Justify your answer by quoting the text. (30 words).

The two characters were very frustrated and undecided  about the plan to give the bird its true shape : they thought they didn’t succeed in fitting the bones together correctly.

Quotations : "We sat in front of the skeleton"
"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake with the numbering ?"

10. Translate into French. From "Are you sure..." to "I had said nothing".
Tu es sûr de n’avoir fait aucune erreur de numérotation ? dis-je. Chris me fixa du regard un instant sans dire un mot, puis il se retourna vers l'oiseau. Si seulement je n'avais rien dit !